See all our videos.

Each video reflects our commitment to providing you with quality content. From the informative to the inspirational, there's a video for every curiosity. Enjoy!

Discover marquetry at Agencement Paul Champs!

Meet Johann Tanguy, work-study student at Agencement Paul Champs!

Read the presentation by Olivier Baudoin, workshop manager at Agencement Paul Champs!

Mélanie Kerscaven, illustrator, talks about her job

Visit the Agencement Paul Champs varnishing workshop

Jean-Charles Kerebel, varnisher, tells us about his job

Meet Isabelle Jehanno, owner of Nectar'in, who chose Agencement Paul Champs to renovate her shop.

Discover technology at the service of quality

Meet Sandrine Mazeret, interior designer

Testimony of Anne-Lise Nedelec, owner of Nedelec Optic