Agencement Paul Champs is proud to see its label "Living Heritage Company renewed for a further 5 years. This label, which is attached to the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, recognises the excellence of French companies and their know-how.
The "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" label, national recognition
This label, created in 2005, is a mark of recognition from the French government for companies that combine "innovation and tradition, know-how and creation, work and passion, heritage and the future, local and international*". Awarded by the regional prefects, the label is managed by the Institut national des Métiers d'Art.
For a company to be awarded this label is to highlight its passion, the high quality of its craft and its production. It also rewards the company's efforts in terms of in-house training and social issues, technical innovation and commercial dynamism.
In short, the EPV label recognises the company's entire activity and the excellence of French craftsmanship!
Agencement Paul Champs, expertise at the forefront
Applying for the "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (Living Heritage Company) label was an obvious choice for Agencement Paul Champs. Since its creation, the company has met a number of criteria for obtaining this prestigious label. Our company's guiding values are a passion for fine workmanship, high standards, competence, respect for commitments, open-mindedness and adaptability. We offer services of excellence without losing sight of our customers' needs.
Passing on know-how is also at the heart of our mission, with the Compagnons du Devoir working in our workshop, combining tradition and modernity.
All these efforts, which forge the very essence of Agencement Paul Champs, have enabled us to see our EPV label, awarded in 2011, renewed for a further five years this year. It's a great reward and a source of pride for the whole team!
Would you like to find out more about the "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" label?